Saturday, March 07, 2009

So big

Tyler is getting so big. He talks all the time, though I am not sure how much of it others can actually understand.  He started to copy phrases we say.  Recently, after he put something in it's proper place he said "I did it, I did it". He gets so excited when we acknowledge his talking. Another time when we were out at our playground, swinging, I heard Tyler say "So high". He kept repeating it over and over all the way home.  I guess you never really know what you say until your kids start repeating it.

Funny thing happened today. Today I went to get Tyler out of his bed after his nap (I could hear him making noises) and  was utterly surprised by what I saw.  Tyler was out of his "Pack-and-Play" bed walking around the room and unpacking Paul's bag. The room did not look too disturbed yet, so I figured he has not been out for long.  I still have no idea how in the world he got out.  All I have to say is that he keeps me on my toes.


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