Friday, October 19, 2012

Emmett Arrives

We've had a great week that started with Emmett being born on Monday.  Mom and baby came home on Thursday.  He's been very good, eating and sleeping well.  Today he's shown a little bit of stamina in being fussy. :)

Lydia is such a gentle big sister who giggles at every little move that Emmett makes.

Tyler loves Emmett too.  On the way to the hospital to see the baby for the first time, on Monday night, Tyler was still battling me about the name of the baby, so I gave in and said he can call the baby whatever he wants for the first year (Bangabanga was the current favorite, taking the spot of Ultralusk and Siegetank).  But as soon as we walked into the room and took a look at the baby, Tyler said genuinely to me, "I want to call the baby Emmett."

Then when the baby came home on Thursday, Tyler arrived home from school to find him there and said, "I'm glad we got the baby back today."

Nyle has been loving the baby each day.  I thought his excitement would wear off when he came home and realized it was permanent (probably hasn't happened yet), but he's been just as excited about him at home as at the hospital.  This morning he climbed up on the couch to sit, held out his arms, and said "please have it?"  Mom is happy to oblige.


Blogger Amy said...

How wonderful! Congratulations! Your kids are growing so fast and are so cute. Love you guys!

12:23 PM

Blogger Cassie said...

I know I am late to the party but congratulations! What a sweet baby and sweet stories about the big kids welcoming him to the family. We miss you guys!

10:58 PM


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