Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lydia's Birthday

Well, Larisa sure planned a party. Lydia had her birthday celebration last Saturday and we over ten kids there with their parents. We had water-balloons and a parachute. I was worried that the kids wouldn't know what to do with either of them, but they went through the balloons quickly. We saved a few so that we could do a race with our kids on our shoulders holding two balloons each until they dropped them. Of course Lydia and I won. Also, Lydia was giggling like crazy with the parachute and had fun doing "pop goes the weasel."

Alla, Costya, and his friend Costya were here that weekend. It was a full house, but they were a lot of fun to have over. Unfortunately, we couldn't all fit in the car together though.

Lydia has said a few complete sentences this week (both starting with "I want"). When they pulled up to Google for lunch on Monday with Alla, Lydia said, "I want to go in the Google." I can't remember what the other sentence was; something about wanting to try the watermelon.

Tyler has finally grown out of his baby acne. He's such a cute kid, and quite calm. It's funny, I though he was quite restless before, and now I think he's calm. He always manages to make messes in his diapers that leak out. Either diapers have gotten worse in the past two years or baby's have picked up some unfortunate skill.


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