Lydia says a few words.
Tonight Larisa walked by Lydia's room to go to the bathroom and heard her babbling. "Pika,...pika,..." That was followed by some gulps. Apparently she woke up looking for her sippy-cup. That's been a part of her vocabulary for a while now. She's very good at signing "more" by putting her hands together (with her fingers touching her thumb), and she'll sometimes even say it. She used that sign-language tonight when we were feeding her blueberries that we bought at Costco.
We also try to get her to repeat us sometimes, and she makes a noble effort.
She's become a picky eater of the past month. It's hard to feed her anything other than crackers and bread. But she loves eating out of my cereal bowl in the mornings. For some reason it's so much better than the cereal I but on her tray (booster seat).
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